Review - VOCOlinc WiFi Plug with Power Monitoring: Insights and Experiences

User Impressions and Insights: VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug for Enhanced Home Automation

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VOCOlinc WLAN socket - side view
Smart HomeSmart schalten und waltenAlexaGoogle homeW-LAN Steckdose mit VerbrauchsmessungApple HomeKitVOCOlincSmart Plug

table of contents

Exploring the VOCOlinc Smart WiFi Plug: Continuing the "Smart Switching and Managing" Test Series

Today, we delve into the VOCOlinc Smart WiFi Plug, a popular addition to our ongoing "Smart Switching and Managing" review series. This intelligent plug not only features energy consumption monitoring but also has garnered over 800 Amazon reviews with an impressive average rating of 4.2 stars. With such high expectations, we're eager to examine the VOCOlinc Smart WiFi Plug in greater detail throughout this comprehensive review.

The VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug: A Versatile and Compatible Choice for Your Smart Home

Featuring a rectangular design, the VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug is slightly larger than some of the smallest contenders in our test series. As with all previous test participants, this smart plug offers control through a dedicated app as well as voice commands via Google Home or Amazon Alexa. However, the VOCOlinc plug stands out by also boasting compatibility with Apple HomeKit, a feature not commonly found among other devices in our test group.

The advantages and disadvantages of the VOCOlinc WLAN socket

  • no hub necessary
  • felt high-quality material
  • very low power consumption
  • also for Apple Homekit
  • can only be used with the VOCOlinc app
  • not the smallest socket in the field
More features
Operation via app and voice control (Amazon Alexa, Google Home)
time plans
consumption measurement

Evaluating the Build Quality and Craftsmanship of the VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug

VOCOlinc WLAN socket from the side - on/off switch
VOCOlinc WLAN socket from the side - on/off switch
Printed on the side: MAC address, serial number and 2 QR codes
Printed on the side: MAC address, serial number and 2 QR codes
VOCOlinc WLAN socket from the front
VOCOlinc WLAN socket from the front

Installation of the VOCOlinc WLAN socket

Find and install the VOCOlinc app
Find and install the VOCOlinc app
Create an account and log in
Create an account and log in
Add device - via the plus icon
Add device - via the plus icon
consent to the processing of location data
consent to the processing of location data
Query: access device location
Query: access device location
Device found, add
Device found, add
Enter WiFi password
Enter WiFi password
Connect to device
Connect to device
assign device names
assign device names
add to a room
add to a room
WLAN socket is set up
WLAN socket is set up
firmware update
firmware update
More products from VOCOlinc at Amazon
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How is the VOCOlinc WLAN plug used?

The overview screen
The overview screen
The display of the power consumption
The display of the power consumption
create a schedule
create a schedule
device information
device information
Connection with Alexa or Google Home
Connection with Alexa or Google Home
Setting up the VOCOlinc skill in the Alexa app
Setting up the VOCOlinc skill in the Alexa app
link services
link services
successful link
successful link
The VOCOlinc WLAN socket in a multiple plug strip (middle socket)
The VOCOlinc WLAN socket in a multiple plug strip (middle socket)
The VOCOlinc WLAN socket in a multiple plug strip (socket on the side)
The VOCOlinc WLAN socket in a multiple plug strip (socket on the side)

The technical data.

The technical data on the product packaging
The technical data on the product packaging
Width: 55.4mm measured
Width: 55.4mm measured
Height: 64mm measured
Height: 64mm measured
Depth (part outside the socket): 41.8 mm, measured
Depth (part outside the socket): 41.8 mm, measured
Other smart plugs from other manufacturers
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How high is the power consumption of the VOCOlinc WLAN socket?

Power consumption when switched on: 0.4 watts
Power consumption when switched on: 0.4 watts
Standby power consumption: 0.2 watts
Standby power consumption: 0.2 watts

The test verdict - rating

High-quality WiFi Smart Plug with Excellent Energy Efficiency

Evaluating the Pros and Cons of the VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug in a Competitive Market

While the VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug performs exceptionally well, it faces strong competition in the market. Here are some minor criticisms to consider:

However, it's crucial to acknowledge the advantages of the VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug as well:

Taking all of these factors into account, the VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug earns a solid "Excellent" rating, with a score of 1.4 (or an overall point tally of 4.6 out of a possible 5 points). By weighing the pros and cons of this device, you can better understand its performance in the context of a highly competitive smart home market. This comprehensive evaluation will enable you to make a well-informed decision when selecting the best WiFi smart plug to meet your home automation requirements while considering factors such as energy efficiency, compatibility, design, and value for money.

Functions / Application4,6
design / feel4,6
Bewertung4.6 Punkte (max. 5)

The smart VOCOlinc WLAN socket in the video

The user manual

The user manual - Part 1
The user manual - Part 1
User Manual - Part 2
User Manual - Part 2

More images from our review

The product from our review (or similar)
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FAQ - Häufig gestellte Fragen
Can I measure power consumption with the VOCOlinc WLAN socket?
Yes, you can measure power consumption with the VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug. The smart plug features integrated power measurement capabilities, allowing you to monitor your energy usage easily and effectively. To access this information, simply use the VOCOlinc app on your smartphone or tablet. Within the app, you'll find a detailed overview of the power consumption data, providing you with valuable insights into how much energy your connected devices are using. This can help you make informed decisions about your energy usage and take steps to improve the overall energy efficiency of your home.
Can I create schedules with the VOCOlinc WLAN socket?
Yes, you can create schedules with the VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug to automate your connected devices. This can be done within the VOCOlinc app or using the Alexa app if you have an Amazon Alexa device. By setting up custom schedules, you can ensure that your devices turn on and off at specific times, helping you save energy and enhance the overall convenience of your smart home. Whether you want to schedule your lights to turn on before you arrive home or turn off your appliances when they're not in use, the VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug makes it easy to manage your devices efficiently.
Can I simulate my presence with the VOCOlinc WLAN socket?
While the VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug app does not have a specific random scheduling feature to simulate presence, you can still achieve this effect by manually creating customized schedules. By setting up various schedules to turn your lights or other devices on and off at different times, you can give the appearance of someone being at home even when you're away. This can help deter potential intruders and provide an additional layer of security for your home. With a bit of creativity in designing your schedules, you can effectively use the VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug to simulate your presence and enhance your home's safety.
Is the VOCOlinc blocking nearby sockets?
The VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug has the potential to block nearby sockets when used in power strips, as its design may take up more space than smaller models. This could limit the number of available sockets in a power strip, making it challenging to plug in multiple devices simultaneously. However, when used in multi-outlet wall sockets, it is less likely to cause any obstruction, as there is generally more space between the outlets. To ensure optimal usage of your power sources, consider the layout and spacing of your sockets before selecting the right smart plug for your needs.
Can I switch the VOCOlinc WLAN socket on or off manually?
Yes, you can manually switch the VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug on or off using a built-in button on the device. This feature provides an additional level of convenience and flexibility, as it allows you to control the power supply of connected devices without relying solely on the app or voice commands. Whether you need to quickly turn off a device or simply prefer manual control, the VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug offers an easy and accessible solution.
How high is the power consumption / self-consumption of the VOCOlinc WLAN socket
The power consumption or self-consumption of the VOCOlinc WiFi Smart Plug is quite low. In standby mode (when the plug is turned off), it consumes only 0.2 watts of power. When the smart plug is turned on, the power consumption slightly increases to 0.4 watts. This energy-efficient design makes it an environmentally friendly and cost-effective option for managing your connected devices.
Further links / More information
VOCOlinc - Website
Bild des Auhors Hannes Bergmeister
This article was created by: Hannes Bergmeister vom Team

Hello there! My name is Hannes, but many know me as Smart Hannes. I'm an enthusiastic product tester for, where I explore and evaluate a wide range of gadgets and devices that can be connected to smartphones. My extensive testing covers various smart home products, from the versatile Hue lighting system to innovative smart kettles, and even cutting-edge health technology such as EKG machines and pulse oximeters. My mission is to provide valuable insights and in-depth reviews to help you make informed decisions when choosing your next smart device. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy reading my comprehensive evaluations!
More reviews and articles by: Hannes Bergmeister
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Last update: 27.04.2023 15:55